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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill High School

Truth is strength

Telephone02 9634 4199

Stage 6 Engineering Studies

Professional Engineering gets our country moving in a cost-effective, timely, reliable, safe, aesthetically pleasing, socially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner.  In the 21st century, engineering will continue to develop infrastructure and goods and services needed by industry and the Australian community.

Engineering Studies Stage 6 applies studies in science, mathematics and technology toward developing skills, knowledge and understandings associated with the Engineering profession; its practices and associated methodologies. How Engineers communicate, manage, analyse and solve problems. We also promote economic, environmental and global concerns. Students also study how engineering knowledge and skill have changed over time and what the future of engineering holds for the world.

The course is organised into topical areas of study.  In the Preliminary course students study engineering aspects of Engineering Fundamentals, Engineering Products, Braking systems, and Bioengineering.  In the HSC course they turn their attention to Civil Structures, Transport, both personal and public, Aeronautics and Telecommunication.  These are major areas of engineering development.  

More specifically students will solve engineering problems while developing written, oral, and graphic communication skills. They will learn about materials and processes, identify the scope of engineering and recognise innovation and development.  Working both individually and in a team they will learn research, analysis, synthesis management and planning skills related to engineering.