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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill High School

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Welcome to the Castle Hill High School History Faculty

We teach, and learn from, our outstanding students and we are committed to creating a real world connected classroom experience. As they begin to make their way in the world we wish for ours students to reflect on where the world has been and the remarkable stories it has to tell. The faculty is very fortunate to have exceptional teachers who are dedicated Historians. We teach on a wide variety of time periods and national or regional settings, with particular strengths in Australian, European, and Asian histories.

History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that helps to explain how people, events and forces from the past have shaped our world. It allows students to locate and understand themselves and others on the continuum of human experience up to the present. History provides opportunities for students to explore human actions and achievements in a range of historical contexts. Students become aware that history is all around us and that historical information may be drawn from the physical remains of the past as well as written, visual and oral sources of evidence.

You'll find most answers to your questions below, but often it's better to get in touch with myself directly. I am always keen to talk to you,

Ms Katryce Nealon

Head Teacher History

Master of Politics and Public Policy,

Graduate Certificate of Human Rights,

Bachelor of Teaching in Secondary Education,

Bachelor of Arts

Subjects offered and areas of focus

Year Seven

Focus area- Hands on History

We are committed to students immersing themselves in archology through our archaeological dig and our collection of artefacts relevant to the time periods being studied.

Key inquiry questions

  • How do we know about the ancient past?
  • Why and where did the earliest societies develop?
  • What emerged as the defining characteristics of ancient societies?
  • What have been the legacies of ancient societies?

Topics studied-

  • Investigating the ancient past
  • The Mediterranean world –Egypt
  • The Asian world -China
  • The Western and Islamic world- Medieval Europe (c.590 – c.1500)
  • The Asia-Pacific world- Japan under the Shoguns' (c.794 – 1867)
  • Expanding contacts- The Spanish conquest of the Americas (c.1492 – c.1572)

Year Nine

Focus area- Historical Skills and Outcomes

The focus in year nine is to develop skills and techniques to be a successful historian. Students are guided to see cause and effect between historical events, to see the role of evidence in establish truth and contestability, the continuity and change of values, the significance of multiple perspectives to an event and how a greater understanding of the experiences of people can help to develop empathy. 

Key inquiry questions:

  • What were the changing features of the movements of people from 1750 to 1918?
  • How did new ideas and technological developments contribute to change in this period?
  • What was the origin, development, significance and long-term impact of imperialism in this period?
  • What was the significance of World War I?

Topics studied

  • Making a better world? - The Industrial Revolution (1750 – 1914)
  • Australia and Asia- Asia and the world
  • World War I (1914-1918)
  • World War II (1939-45)

Year Ten

Focus area- Development of personal research and reflection

During year ten History students will be encouraged to develop a love of lifelong learning. See value in understanding the experiences of others and to see the colorations in their lives today. A major focus of the Year ten unit is the Project Based Learning Unit where students take ownership of their learning and the direction of their interest. Students are empowered to follow their interests and to value their learning journey.

Key inquiry questions:

  • How did the nature of global conflict change during the twentieth century?
  • What were the consequences of World War II? How did these consequences shape the modern world?
  • How was Australian society affected by other significant global events and changes in this period?

Topics studied

  • Rights and freedoms (1945 – the present)
  • The globalising world- Popular culture (1945 – present)
  • The Vietnam War
  • The Holocaust

Elective subjects

Elective History

Due to our commitment to teach students content that is relevant to their lives and is of particular interest to them the units taught are subject to consistent review and reflection.

If you would like more information on the areas of study please contact Ms Katryce Nealon, Head Teacher History. 

Students who undertake elective history will develop the following skills and values:

  • a knowledge and understanding of history and historical inquiry
  • a knowledge and understanding of past societies and historical periods
  • skills to undertake the processes of historical inquiry
  • skills to communicate their understanding of history.
  • history as a study of human experience
  • the opportunity to develop a lifelong interest in and enthusiasm for history
  • the nature of history as reflecting differing perspectives and viewpoints
  • the opportunity to contribute to a just society through informed citizenship
  • the contribution of past and present peoples to our shared heritage.

International Studies

International Studies provides students with an opportunity to explore and recognise their own cultures, and appreciate the richness of multicultural Australia and the world. As Australia is part of the Asia-Pacific region, the course lends itself to an emphasis on, but is not limited to, this region. They gain knowledge of different cultural practices, values, beliefs and heritages to form a broader world-view. They gain the skills to recognise fact, detect bias and challenge stereotypes by exploring cultural difference and interconnectedness. This enables them to understand and value inclusion, and to respect the rights of others. Students learn to conceptualise and explore interrelationships and empathise with others at a local, national, regional and global level.

Topics studied

Year nine

  • Culture and cultural diversity in the contemporary world
  • Culture and Food
  • Culture and the Performing Arts/ Culture and Sport
  • Culture in Film and Literature

Year ten

  • Culture and Beliefs
  • Culture and Gender
  • Culture on the move
  • Culture and the Media

HSC and Preliminary Subjects

The faculty is committed to excellence in education through offering the following HSC subject areas

Ancient History

The study of Ancient History engages students in an investigation of life in early societies based on the analysis and interpretation of physical and written remains. It offers students the opportunity to investigate the possible motivations and actions of individuals and groups, and how they shaped the political, social, economic and cultural landscapes of the ancient world. Ancient History stimulates students' curiosity and imagination and enriches their appreciation of humanity by introducing them to a range of cultures and beliefs as well as to the origins and influences of ideas, values and behaviours that are still relevant in the modern world.

Modern History

The study of Modern History engages students in an investigation of the forces that have shaped the world, based on the analysis and interpretation of sources. It offers students the opportunity to investigate the possible motivations and actions of individuals and groups, and how they have shaped the world politically, culturally, economically and socially. Modern History stimulates students' curiosity and imagination, and enriches their appreciation of humanity by introducing them to a range of historical developments and experiences that have defined the modern world.

Society and Culture

The central goal of Society and Culture is the development of social and cultural literacy and a clear understanding of the interaction of persons, societies, cultures, environments and time. The influence of other aspects of societies and cultures – including power, authority, identity, gender, technologies and globalisation – is also central to the course. Society and Culture draws on cross-disciplinary concepts and social research methods from anthropology; communication; cultural and media studies; philosophy; social psychology; and sociology.

Aboriginal Studies

Aboriginal Studies is designed to foster intellectual, social and moral development by enabling students to think critically about the historical and contemporary experiences of Aboriginal peoples. Through this study students will develop a heightened understanding and appreciation of the concepts of social justice and shared histories, and will critically examine their role as active and informed citizens.

Fieldwork and excursions  

The Castle Hill High School History department are committed to fostering a sense of curiosity in our students. We want them to see ideas in action that is, how ideas and ideals were developed, challenged, lived with in particular situations.

It is for that reason that each year level undertakes a fieldwork excursion each year.

This year it will include

Year Seven-

  • Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives
  • Medieval day
  • NAIDOC  celebrations

Year Nine-

  • Democracy in Action -Year nine camp to Canberra
  • World war one trench re-enactment

Year ten-

  • 1960's day
  • NAMBUS- Vietnam vets
  • Jewish community incursion

Elective history-

  • Pirate Day
  • Quarantine station
  • Personal History- Aboriginal Community guest speaker

Ancient History-

  • Macquarie University museum
  • Escape from Pompeii exhibition
  • Dr Estelle Lazer lecture series
  • HTA study days

Modern History-

  • Australian War memorial overnight excursion
  • HTA study days
  • Society and Culture
  • Auburn Mosque
  • Bollywood adventure
  • SAC study days