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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill High School

Truth is strength

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Stage 5 Graphics Technology

Graphics Technology is a subject for creative students. It lets them practice logical thought, problem solving and decision making, while developing skills using Graphics tools and equipment, including computer programs. Graphics Technology also enhances students' technical and visual literacy, developing specific manipulative and cognitive skills and equipping them for participation in a technological world. They will become confident in the application of conventions and procedures, like Australian Drawing standards ( AS1100) that are essential for transferring concepts and images globally irrespective of language differences.

An important part of Graphics Technology involves the generation, use and manipulation of images, models and pictures. This includes three-dimensional forms and the interpretation and the graphical presentation of concepts and ideas. Through the study of Graphics Technology students will develop the capacity to solve problems and generate and communicate solutions. Creating graphics for specific audiences or clients encourages the development of collaborative skills and students are encouraged to accept the personally challenging experiences and tasks it provides.

Throughout the course students grow to be better users of Graphics. They are increasingly productive, creative, discriminating and confident in the development of ideas and the use of graphic tools. 

Students learn freehand, instrument and computer methods to accurately draw shapes and objects, how to  think creatively, devise solutions and communicate information using a wide variety of graphical techniques and media.  They experience and appreciate the nature of the work environment, the scope of graphics in industry and the relationships between Graphics Technology and society.