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Castle Hill High School

Castle Hill High School

Truth is strength

Telephone02 9634 4199

CHHS Laptop Rules

Inappropriate Content

  • Inappropriate content is not allowed on laptops as part of a file, program, document or screensaver.
  • Presence of weapons, pornographic material, inappropriate language, alcohol, drug and gang related symbols or pictures will result in disciplinary actions.


  • Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.
  • No headphones except for instructional purposes.

Deleting Files

  • Do not delete any folders or files that you did not create or that you do not recognise. Deletion of certain files will result in a computer failure and will interfere with your ability to complete class work.
  • Deletion of class files will affect your grades.

Music, Games and Programs

  • Music, games, programs or files may not be downloaded or streamed over the Internet.

No Borrowing or Loaning of Laptops

  • Do not loan laptops to other students.
  • Do not borrow a laptop from another student.
  • Do not share passwords or usernames.

Transporting Laptops

  • Laptops must be transport in your bag. You may not carry laptops around in your hands.
  • Laptops need to be shut down between classes.

Nettiquette 'Network Etiquette'

  • Be polite.
  • Use appropriate language.


  • E-Mail should be used for educational or administrative purposes only.
  • Do not open your E-Mail unless instructed by your teacher.

External Hard Drives - Including Flash Drives

  • External hard drives are not to be used unless instructed by a teacher.


  • You cannot use Bluetooth data unless instructed by a teacher.

Teachers Can

  • View your laptop content at any time.
  • Delete files at their discretion.
  • Confiscate laptops at any time.
  • Insist on laptop lids being closed.
  • Insist on laptops being shut down.

Any breach of rules will result in the removal of your laptop and the enforcement of the school discipline policy

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